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Double Bass Workshop Book 1 - String Learning Method
Double Bass Workshop Book 1 - String Learning Method
Double Bass Workshop Book 1 - String Learning Method

Double Bass Workshop Book 1

Regular price $16.00

Method book for Double Bass. A tutor book for your young beginner double bass class or individual student

Using popular simple melodies in their minor and major form, your students will develop strength, skills and knowledge. Tone is developed, bowing style is refined. 

Improvisation and Composition opportunities throughout this book promote your student's musical creativity.

Coloured tapes plus a 'T' sticker enable left hand and thumb accuracy, assisting your teaching time - i.e. 1st finger on the red tape. 

'Low and High Markers' (smiley stickers) for the bow promote an early awareness of bowing requirements.

Learning a single string at a time - SingleStringLearning - your students will learn all first position notes, plus pieces in positions 2 and 2 1/2.

Your students will also learn bowing styles -  legato, staccato, tenuto, spiccato and slurs - plus specific information on which part of the bow to use for long or short notes.

Your student's learning will also be assisted by colourful string characters to aid string awareness, note information for each piece given in specific diagram and note form plus explanations of dynamics and note values when first encountered.

Audio download.

Personal Practice Chart where your students can detail what they practise. 

Personal Sticker Chart where you can reward your students for their good playing as well as acknowledging success with playing technique. 

'Trace & Copy' requirements throughout reinforce your student's note knowledge.