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Cello Workshop Book 2
Cello Workshop Book 2

Cello Workshop Book 2

Regular price $16.00

Method for cello. Extending your young cello class or more advanced beginner student.

Pieces in D, G and C Major plus their relevant minors.

Pieces arranged in 2 or 3 parts, enabling your students to embrace the ensemble experience.

Composition opportunities at the end of each major key giving your students the ability to showcase their creativity as well as reinforcing their note knowledge.

Coloured tapes plus a 'T' sticker for the left hand fingers and thumb promoting accuracy as well as assisting your teaching time - i.e. 1st finger on the red tape.

'Low and High Markers' (smiley stickers) for the bow further enhancing your student's awareness of bowing style and specific requirements.

Techniques of ‘Sliding’ (from x1 to 1), ‘Crossing Over’ and ‘Keeping Fingers Down’ are highlighted throughout this book.

More complicated bowing styles for your students plus the above left hand techniques further strengthening both hands giving your students a sound technical base for the future.

Personal Practice Chart where students can detail what they practise.

Personal Sticker Chart where you can reward your students for their good playing as well as acknowledging success with playing technique.

Note information for each piece given in specific diagram and note form.

Colourful string characters pertinent to each piece further assisting your students in their understanding.

Audio download.